This is the website for the Gun Owners of America, this is a anti-gun control website and unlike many American I find being pro gun ownership a shocking concept and find it difficult not to look at this website and laugh! The websites logo (pictured below) is a American man standing proudly with his gun, the American flag in the background is perhaps relating to the 2nd amendment;to have a gun is your right as an American.Its interesting it is a man in the picture yet they have a whole section of the website called 'womens voice' in which I found an amazing article 'Columbian Nuns Kill Thief'!! ( The idea that baring arms saved the lives of two nuns is in theory a good one but does that not contradict everything these women believe in? This is not the only time in this website religion is used to promote gun ownership, the merchandise section has a t-shirt which depicts a man holding his bible and his gun and the overview reads "Are you clinging to your Bible and your Gun?". In terms of gun control this website has a petition to repeal the gun free school zones act.This act means that in some states you are breaking the law if you go within a certain distance of a school with firearm. This website views this act is an infringement of an Americans constitutional rights. What also strikes me as interesting about this website is its target audience. The advertisements down the side of the homepage are for food stores and flower shops, this suggests this website is aiming itself at everyday Americans who own or 'should own' a gun rather than gun enthusiasts.
This is a video from the the GOA's you tube page.
I have chosen this website as pro-gun control website.Like the GOA the website uses red,white and blue and what appears to be the American flag on the homepage perhaps to appeal to people patriotism. This website is heavily based on how Guns lead to violence where as the previous website sees guns as a stopper of violence. In the top right hand corner of this website is a total of how many people have been shot this year and today in America. This is one of the many statistics used in this website perhaps to shock the viewer into seeing guns need controlling. I find it interesting that this website is not petitioning for a ban on guns but just more control of weapons. This again enforces the pro-gun attitude of American and although some call for more control it is still their right to bare arms.
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