Thursday 29 November 2012

American Apparel - A Real American Product.

American Apparel.

American Apparel is a company that presents its American-ness in a number of ways. As vertically integrated company, American Apparel's headquarters is in Downtown LA. From here they: design, manufacture, market and distribute all in the same place. The company's employes earn approx. $12 an hour with benefits, helping its primarily immigrant work force live a sustainable life in the US. The principles behind the companies business model indicate a code of ethics that has been removed from other large companies in the US, a prime example being Apple who produce all their products in China. American Apparel on the other hand encourage and cherish they all American roots. 

The companies founder and CEO Dov Charney has retained primary control over his company and is an active participant in the day to day running of the company. He ensures the preservation of the company's vertical integration and Charney's authority in the company allows its continued use of its business model and at the same time American Apparel is able to become involved other large companies would avoid in order to remain neutral. This is evident in its Legalise LA and Legalise Gay campaigns. The slogan T's have become symbols of protest in political movements in the states and American Apparel donate the shirts to relevant charities to show support if the issues. 

The way in which American Apparel is run and its interaction with current political issues illustrates the morals and beliefs that the company stands for. The website details how its treatment of employees ' often a path to the American Dream for their families.' This conveys that despite its modern interpretation of what it means, fundamentally what it stands for is the very idea of what it is to be American that had persisted in society, through ideologies such as: no class divide, equal opportunity and a land that welcomes immigrants. 

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