Sunday 4 November 2012

Joseph Smith preaching to native Americans.

19th century painting of Joseph Smith preaching to Native Americans in Ohio in the early 1830s.

This painting appears to make the two American stand out with their clothing, they are well dressed men which is in stark contrast to the native Americans who are not wearing many clothes. This carries the suggestion that the Indians are savages;a belief popular among white people at the time. The colours of the clothing of the white men is mainly black in comparison to the native people who are wearing softer colours such as creams and blues.This highlights the stark contrast between the native american and the white man.  The two men also appear to be standing taller than all the natives, and some natives are actually sitting on the floor. This carries the suggestion of the natives being of lower in status than the white men. They also appear to be leaning away from the two white men perhaps out of fear.The two white men seem to be the focus of the painting as they really stand out whereas the Native people although there is many more of them seem to blend into the background.One of the white men is also preaching to the natives;they do not follow the same religion yet he feels he can still preach to these people about god.The white man is pointing towards the sky, perhaps toward god and he appears to be holding a book which is possibly the bible. From the positions of the native people for example one has their arms folded and the fact they are all leaning away from these men suggest they do not believe this mans preaching. 

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